Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Residual Energy

In a space where the creative process

is halted by the end of a normal work

day, the energy stays present and inhabits

objects during the after hours.   Upon 

entering such a space a person will

feel in the silence a kind of humming

like a church full of grace.



Saturday, February 16, 2013

When I opened the door the smell of heated metal and chemicals filled my nose.  The light coming from the large gridded window flooded the center of the room leaving the corners of the room in semi darkness.  In a flash I knew that I wanted to work in this place.  Every item in the room seemed like a, "monument to it's self"; hanging, standing, resting against the walls or lying on the floor.  I was caught up in the magic and beauty of ordinary things.There are many levels of beauty that range from the ugly to the sublime.  I am partial to ordinary things and find that I can be transported and uplifted by a dead tree as easily as by," Taj Mahal".  That was fourteen years ago and I am retired and living in Florida.  Although I am happy in retirement I miss the challenge of working with creative people in a highly energized atmosphere.  This blog will be primarily about my years at, " The New Arts Foundry", in Baltimore, Maryland.  This job was the best thing that ever happened to me as a working person.  What I learned about myself and others has made me a happier and more productive person.